Ann Farmer
The Welfare State: Cradle or Grave?
Here in Britain, under our new Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government, we are facing massive spending cuts to help balance the books, especially affecting the military and welfare budgets, but health expenditure, we are told, will be protected. This seems good news, especially for the poor, but, as I outlined in By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control and the Abortion Campaign, in a Welfare State, the poor are expensive, and a scheme that began by providing health care to meet peoples needs now attempts to adjust the number of people to fit the resources available.
Thus we have contraception, the morning-after pill, sterilisation and abortion paid for by the State i.e. the taxpayer. We have state-funded eugenic abortion as part of a search and destroy programme of pre-natal testing. All this is presented as choice, but if positive welfare options are to be cut, there will be little authentic choice for the poor; however, this is not simply a right-wing plot for, despite its obsession with equality, liberalisms dirty little secret is that it tolerates a eugenics-driven programme to control the numbers of the poor, the disabled and ethnic minorities. Our taxpayer-funded sex education programme, linked to contraception provision for underage children, and claimed to reduce teenage pregnancies, has achieved the opposite result, but it also arranges free abortions for girls without their parents knowledge or consent; moreover, sexually transmitted diseases among underage children, now at levels once associated with prostitution or war, would prompt any visiting Martian to see our present approach as a State-sponsored sterilisation programme of deprived communities. Now we face an aggressive campaign to legalise assisted suicide, the first objective of the eugenics/population control movement but the most difficult to achieve (since most sick/disabled people want to be treated, not killed), but now being marketed more successfully as choice. This bitter fruit has already been tasted in Oregon, and while Americans explore the best approach to health care, they would do well to ponder the paradox that is the British Welfare State: it started by providing health care from the cradle to the grave, but now tends to cut out the cradle and send the poor straight to the other place.
(November 2010)